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FEAR in Home Business - Find Every Available Resource

by Yvonne Russell on October 8th, 2007

As a home business owner FEAR is a good thing! No, I don’t mean that type of fear. I mean F-E-A-R.

F - Find
E - Every
A - Available
R - Resource

As a small business owner, colleagues and customers often mention that I’m innovative. I’ve never thought of it that way. On a shoestring budget and limited time, being creative and using all available resources, including people, as effectively as possible is a necessity.

I’m sure most home business owners can readily identify with that. A friend with a home business always says “Work with what you’ve got.”

17 Ways To Find Every Available Resource - a FEAR Brainsparks Checklist for Your Home Business

  1. Where can you research for information and trends in your home business niche?
  2. Are you reading books and other media for new ideas for your niche area and business?
  3. Are you utilizing free small business resources and services available to you?
  4. Can you outsource some of your work?
  5. Do you really know all the strengths of existing staff?
  6. Are you using existing staff most effectively?
  7. Are you spending time on the most important things, or the most urgent things?
  8. Have you heard about the 80/20 rule?
  9. How can you use what you already have in different ways?
  10. How can you be creative in identifying and marketing your point of difference?
  11. How can you be innovative with being on top of trends which may support your business growth?
  12. Can you identify gaps in your niche market?
  13. Can you offer existing customers new services or products?
  14. Can you offer value added services?
  15. What can you learn from customers about how your business is tracking & possible additional services?
  16. What can you learn from keeping an eye on the competition?
  17. Can you network with others to share ideas and resources - even competitors sometimes?

Make Your Own FEAR Brainsparks Checklist
Working through a checklist such as the one, or developing your own variation to suit your home business, can be a useful exercise. It gives you a chance to crystallize and celebrate what you have achieved so far. It may also provide some ideas for future direction or tweaking. Time and money are both finite resources.

Do you have tips to share about how you’ve been able to use resources to save your business money and time? Can you recommend any free home business or small business resources?

This post is part of the b5 Business Channel Theme Day on FEAR, hosted by Jim at Small Business Boomers. 

Tags: , brainsparks,

POSTED IN: Channel Theme Day

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