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Home Biz Notes

7 Tips to Help Home Based Business Moms Stay Fit & Sane

by Yvonne Russell on June 12th, 2008


By JoLynn Braley

In my last post we looked at how as a mom and home-based business owner, it’s really not selfish of you to put your own health and well being first in your life because if you don’t, you won’t be as much use to your family and business as you could be.

Still Feeling like You’re Selfish?
Now if you’re really having a hard time taking time out to exercise and eat well daily you could look at it like you’re doing this for your family and your business instead of for yourself. Your motivation would be to be able to give more to your family and home-based business and the way to do so is to give to yourself first.

Action is Where It’s At
Here are the 7 tips I mentioned in my last post, tips to help you take action and get your health and fitness up to par. These tips are mainly for exercise since that is what will take more scheduling with your children and home-based business:

  1. Early morning - Get up an hour earlier each day, eat a healthy breakfast (most important!) and go for a 30-minute walk.
  2. Afternoon break - Get a babysitter for 1 hour in the afternoon or early evening and go for a walk or to the gym.
  3. Get to the Y! - If your kids are old enough get a membership at the YMCA and sign them up for a class while you work out.
  4. Power walk - If your kids are young enough put them in the stroller and power walk for 30 minutes.
  5. Bike with the kids - Also for younger children - get a buggy that attaches to the back of your bike and pull your kids in it while you ride for ½ hour each day.
  6. A day in the kitchen - Spend Sunday in the kitchen cooking up healthy meals in bulk for the week. Get the kids involved and teach them how to cook with whole foods (instead of from a box).
  7. A tip for everyone - Keep the house stocked with fruits and veggies that you can snack on while working on your home-based business. Leave the junk food on the store shelves.
  8. Hey, didn’t I say 7 tips? - Here’s a bonus de-stressing tip to help keep your sanity throughout the day - every couple of hours do a super mini meditation. Shut off all noise (maybe when the kids are napping?), close your eyes, and take 10 deep breaths. Focus only on your breath and simply tune into yourself. Observe how you’re feeling, get centered and in touch with you (keeps stress level down).

One More Thing - Drop The Excuses!
If you were firing off excuses left and right while reading my tips above (”too expensive”, “that would never work”, “I just can’t do that!”, etc.), think about the lost time and expense in the future that could be avoided by investing just a little bit today - time away from your family and business because of illness, loss of mobility, or injury, things that could possibly be avoided by investing just a little bit in your health each day starting today.

Oh, and I completely understand how you might feel - you might think you don’t have a minute to spare. I’ve felt the same way and sometimes it’s hard for me to break away from the computer but when I take 1/2 hour to do some paced walking outside or on my treadmill, I always come back refreshed and raring to go - helps with the creativity too, something that any home-based business owner probably would like more of. ;)

How About You?
If you’re already putting your health first and carving out “mom’s health time” each day, please leave a comment to share how you do this. Your comment could help another mom who is struggling with keeping herself together under the umbrella of motherhood and running a home-based business all at the same time - especially if she feels she’s being selfish for taking the time out.

This guest post is by JoLynn Braley who you can find blogging at
The Fit Shack about weight loss, health, and fitness from a whole mind, body, spirit perspective.

© Bio photo courtesy of JoLynn Braley.
© Guest Post Button Image courtesy of Yvonne Russell at Grow Your Writing Business.com

Also read JoLynn Braley’s previous Home Biz Notes post -
The Word Selfish Has A Bad Rap In Mom’s World.

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POSTED IN: Guest Posts, Work At Home Moms

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