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Jamie Durie Supports Australia’s National Tree Day - July 27

by Yvonne Russell on July 27th, 2008

Jamie Durie of Oprah garden spot fame is an Aussie and one of the celebrity supporters of National Tree Day.

Jamie Durie has done a lot to raise the profile of gardens, trees and outdoor design in Australia, and now in the US.

Co-founded by another Aussie, Olivia Newton John and co-ordinated by Planet Ark, this day in the mid Australian Winter, is about going green and raising awareness.

Organizers explain that National Tree Day is

Australia’s biggest community tree-planting event and a day for all Australians to help out by planting native trees and shrubs at a Tree Day site in their local area.

Co-founded by Olivia Newton-John and Jon Dee in 1996, to date more than 1.5 million volunteers have planted over 11.5 million native trees and shrubs!

National Tree Day is held on the last Sunday of July, with Schools Tree Day taking place on the Friday before. This year over 220,000 school children have dug deep to improve their natural surroundings.

Do you have a favorite tree you like to work or take a break under?
I look out onto rainforest trees from my office, so I couldn’t imagine not having trees and greenery around me as I work. How about you?

Jamie Durie photo courtesy of National Tree Day and used with permission.

Tags: , , jamie durie, national tree day, national tree day australia, olivia newton john,

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1 opinion for Jamie Durie Supports Australia’s National Tree Day - July 27

  • Mary Emma Allen
    Jul 27, 2008 at 7:29 pm

    Wherever I look out a window at our home, I see trees because we built our home on three wooded acres. I enjoy, particularly in the early morning before others are awake (we have a three generation household), I like to sit at the dining table with my laptop and cup of tea. In summer, I can open the door to the deck and look at the trees and listen to birdsong. Such a cheery way to start the day.

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