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Home Biz Notes

Snow Days, Flu and Grandma’s Home Business

by Jean Murray on December 20th, 2008

December has been tough for us here in Iowa.  It started on November 30, with a snow storm.  From that point, we have had several more. I’d say at least 11 inches, and we’re only on the 20th, with more to come.  Add to that some influenza that has been going around the public schools.  My daughter-in-law has a part-time job that doesn’t pay her unless she shows up.  And Grandma (me) who lives only a mile away from her two grandchildren (2nd grade and kindergarten) is tempted to help.  But I have a business to run.

When I started my new home-based business on December 1 (yep!  I caused all this snow!) I had a talk with my daughter-in-law and we settled on some guidelines for helping with the grandchildren.

1.  I can’t do sick grandchildren, because I don’t do well with sick people (I couldn’t even deal with it when my own children were sick) and my husband catches everything.

2. I can do planned school’s out days, for teacher conferences, holidays. If I can put it on my calendar, I can probably do it, unless I have something else planned.

3. I can do snow days, if I don’t have a major commitment or appointment. It’s ok to call and ask.

4. I can’t do more than one day a week, unless there is an extreme emergency.

Having these guidelines set ahead of time helps both of us. What kinds of arrangements do you have for family emergencies, helping with grandchildren, dealing with sick children? Let us know how you deal with these things, and keep your home business alive.

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1 opinion for Snow Days, Flu and Grandma’s Home Business

  • Mary Emma Allen
    Dec 21, 2008 at 9:12 am

    Great ideas, Jean, setting guidelines with family and friends so they know you definitely are operating a business.

    I can relate to the juggling act…home business, family and grandchildren. For the past 12 1/2 years our daughter, son-in-law and two grands have lived with Jim and me. Before that, I had my mom with Alzheimer’s for several months before she went to live in a nursing home. I haven’t been able to set strict guidelines because of family illnesses…first our son-in-law with cancer and resulting complications and this past year our daughter with pancreatitis. The children now are teens so are quite self-sufficient, but especially needed our attention during their mom’s illness, when she was in the hospital and ICU much of 5 months. In the midst of this I do substitute teaching, often getting calls in early morning.

    We do schedule on a general calendar appointments for any of us as far ahead as we can. We’ve learned to work with the unexpected. I often /work type at the dining table, with the household swirling around me, so I can keep an eye on grands, stir up a meal (and hope nothing burns while I’m concentrating on writing or phone calls from business associates), or remember it’s time to pick up Alex (the one non-driver in the household) from school.

    I like best when I can stick to a schedule, but I’ve had to learn to juggle around everything. Making lists for hubby and me is imperative…as long as I don’t misplace them!!

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