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Home Business Is Not Just A Cushy Job - Think Before You Jump

by Yvonne Russell on October 24th, 2007

Many people think that as soon as they’re not working for “the boss”, all will be swell.

This is another one of those home business myths. Sure, home business gives you flexibility and many other advantages. Being able to pursue your passion is a big one.

Home Business - Answering To A Different Boss
However, home business is just that… a business. If you want a steady income, and a growing business, you need to stay motivated, work hard and often long hours. If you start your business from scratch, this will be even more true.

Now you have to answer to a different boss. Yes that boss is YOU!

Getting Started In Home Business
In a home business, everything is down to you. If you are a solo operator or work with a partner, there is a shared load, but it’s still a big undertaking. If you decide to slacken off at crucial times, or if you lose momentum, your business will suffer. Once your business is established, you may be able to be a little more flexible, but the first year especially, is key.

I don’t want to paint a gloomy picture, because most home business owners would never think of going back to a cubicle and marching to someone else’s tune. For most people, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Be Realistic Before Making The Move
My caution is to be realistic before you tell your boss where to go, and leave to start your own home business. Home business is not Easy Street. Sure, it can be very rewarding. Sometimes it can be lucrative. But a home business is more than a cushy job. Think, plan and research like crazy before you jump.

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POSTED IN: Advantages, Disadvantages & Concerns

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