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Home Biz Notes

Keeping Humor in Your Home Business

by Mary Emma Allen on March 31st, 2007

Last night my husband and I were telling friends about an incident that happened in a business we owned several years ago.  We all laughed over what happened and it helped boost them over some challenges they were having in a business.

“Yes,” I thought, “time does lend humor to situations we find difficult to laugh at the time they’re happening.” 

Since those experiences with the earlier business, Jim and I have tried to find humor in situations, even though we sometimes have to stretch to do it.  This doesn’t mean disregarding the problems or being slap-stick silly.  It has taught us to try finding some humor in our day to get through the tough times…and to inspire others

I frequently call to mind a quote of Florence Littauer’s in her book I’ve Found My Keys, Now Where’s My Car?  She relates various episodes of her life of getting through the tough times as well as developing her writing/speaking business.  At the end of each chapter, which she sparks with her definitive sense of humor, “Make the Tough Times Count.”

Sometimes you can do this with humor and sometimes not.  But humor will help lighten the load…and make a chuckling, often encouraging, story later on.

Tags: Florence+Littauer, , home+business+humor, humor

POSTED IN: Personal Experience

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