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Thursday Thirteen - 13 Things On My Business “To Do” List

by Mary Emma Allen on February 28th, 2008


I imagine most business people have their lists, and an important one notes their tasks or items to get done TODAY.  Some people prioritize and put the urgent tasks at the top; others arrange alphabetically; or you may designate them with times (like appointments) during the day. 

You might have a notebook and jot down your list daily or weekly.  Or perhaps you use an organizer on your computer that reminds you each morning of what you have to do that day.

Here are items I should do this week.  They aren’t in any order.  I must prioritize after I finish writing them.  (And then get to work accomplishing them!)

  1. File those papers in the wire basket
  2. Spend 20 minutes each day going through boxes of miscellaneous papers; either file them or throw them away.
  3. Outline blog topics for the next week.
  4. Write at least five of those posts today.  (I have three blogs where I post daily.)
  5. Write the draft for my weekly “Country Kitchen” column; finish and e-mail it tomorrow.
  6. Answer e-mails and get them out of my mail box.
  7. Make a list of phone calls and call or text those I need to today. 
  8. Make sure my calendar of appointments and blog/newspaper column deadlines are up to date.
  9. Invoice and mail out materials to business associates.
  10. Check answering machine and return any necessary calls.
  11. Organize my materials for an upcoming Beauty Break.
  12. Listen to a business training CD while I work.
  13. Take time to play in the snow with the grandchildren!

Your list will be different.  Mine will change as I accomplish some of the items on it, add more, or rearrange as other business comes up

 Do you use a list?  Or planner of some type? I hope simply by glancing at mine, it will help you get organized or refine your organization.    

Perhaps you have some great organizational tips to offer.

(c)2008 Mary Emma Allen

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POSTED IN: CheckList, Planning, Thursday 13

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